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Woman in a Field

Driving sustainable investment in emerging markets


​We advise investors and companies in emerging markets on ESG risk management, value creation and reporting

About Paterson Sustainability.

We have been advising investors and companies in emerging markets on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk management, value creation and reporting since 2014. 


We empower our clients to manage their own sustainable business practises and develop environmental and social strategies to rigorous international standards, such as IFC Performance Standards. Our follow up support allows clients to manage their operations or portfolios day-to-day and we are on hand to step in with advice to navigate more complex challenges.


Our internationally recognised specialists bring global experience that is both deep and diverse, working across most sectors, including Infrastructure (Energy and Transportation), Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Forestry, Health and Education, and Retail and Hospitality.




Who we work with.

Clients include Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) such as CDC, DEG, FMO, OeEB; private equity funds, such as EMIA, Global Climate Partnership Fund, Dolma Impact Fund, Capsquare and Mekong Capital amongst others; banks such as Pan Asia Banking Corporation; and asset managers such as Nexif Energy and Khema Global.



We work with Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) to undertake E&S due diligences of their investments, develop capacity of their staff and their investee companies and design and implement technical assistance programmes.



PE Funds

We are senior advisors to fund managers helping to navigate the requirements of DFI investors, advising investment committees on practical measures to manage ESG risks and create value, working with investee companies to enhance performance, and providing guidance on impact and sustainability strategies and reporting.



We work with companies in many sectors to develop E&S management systems, enhance capacity to adopt good international ESG practices during planning, construction and operation, and transparently report contributions to SDGs in the journey to enhance reputation and attract international investors.




Our clients' evolving ESG needs.


"Over the past five years we have seen a rapid change to the advice we are asked for. It is now much less common that we are asked for advice to help our client respond to their investors' ESG risk management agendas. We are more often seen as strategic advisors, helping our clients deliver on their own sustainability purpose, advising boards or senior management on priorities and strategic direction and mentoring their staff to keep companies accountable. We see this as a welcome sign of a more sustainable future. Please get in touch to find out more."


Catriona Paterson

Director at Paterson Sustainability Limited


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