
Sectors we work in include Infrastructure (Energy and Transportation), Agribusiness and Forestry, Financial Institutions and Funds, Health and Education, Manufacturing, and Retail and Hospitality.
Our team seeks pragmatic solutions and provides technical advice on managing complex risks to support our clients to meet their ESG commitments in emerging markets. Below is a selection of projects we have completed across our areas of expertise.

Hydropower in Nepal
Paterson Sustainability has undertaken environmental and social due diligences for four hydropower projects in Nepal, ranging from 4MW to 28MW. Our team has provided ongoing advice to both the fund manager and the investee companies to help raise the ESG standards during planning, design and construction phases. We prepared a cumulative impact assessment and provided technical support to the local teams preparing an environmental flow assessment, and social and biodiversity impact assessments. We also supported project companies with advice on managing risks related to land acquisition and Indigenous Peoples. Working with international fisheries specialists and the design engineers, we ensured the fish pass design was appropriate for the fish species in the river. During the construction phase our team has undertaken site supervision and advised on solutions to address critical construction health and safety risks, improve human rights issues such as contract labour payment, and upgrade workers’ accommodation.

Geothermal in the Philippines
Working with a European DFI, our team undertook an ESDD of a greenfield geothermal project within a national park in a remote area of the Philippines. Our team also provided advice on the assessments and management systems to ensure the project met the requirements of the IFC Performance Standards and World Bank Group EHS Guidelines.

Solar in Nepal
Our team prepared the due diligences for two similar solar projects with very different social risks. We worked with one developer and a team of local consultants to undertake a social impact assessment to supplement the EIA. The developer was able to agree a land leasing model that protected his right to the land for the life of the project while effectively protecting and potentially improving the communities’ livelihoods.

ESMS for clean energy companies
We have prepared environmental and social management systems (ESMS) for several companies developing, constructing and operating clean energy infrastructure in Australia, China, Japan, Maldives, New Zealand, Thailand, South Korea, and Vietnam. The ESMSs encompass policies and procedures for project selection and management of project development, construction and operation of solar, battery storage, hydropower, wind, gas turbine and combined cycle power projects.

Port infrastructure in India
Paterson Sustainability worked with a European DFI to undertake an ESDD of a large port company in India. The team advised on the complex contextual risks and provided an expert view on the environmental, health and safety and stakeholder engagement impacts associated with the large maritime operation.

Agribusiness and Forestry
Agroforestry in Laos
Burapha is an agroforestry company in Laos that believes in creating real value, enhancing the environment and alleviating poverty. We prepared the ESDD for this category A project which was seeking investment from a PE Fund and range of European DFIs. Land acquisition risks in particular are challenging to address in Laos and we assessed the company’s processes for identification of suitable land, obtaining Free Prior Informed Consent of the indigenous communities and providing sustainable livelihoods opportunities. We helped to secure the investment by discussing the E&S risks with all the investors, providing reassurance with respect to the quality of the due diligence and the findings regarding the capacity and commitment of the company.

Agribusiness and Forestry
Dairy in Cambodia
Paterson Sustainability prepared the ESDD for a dairy project in Cambodia that includes crop production, rearing of 500 cows and processing of milk products. As a follow up to the ESDD we supported the client to manage the international standard ESIA, ensuring that the impact assessment was fit for purpose and the company was able to implement the mitigation measures.

Agribusiness and Forestry
COVID-19 safety in Indonesia
Paterson Sustainability worked with three fish processing companies in Indonesia to undertake COVID-19 risk assessments. We developed manuals for workers to adopt measures aimed at preventing or reducing the introduction and spread of the virus in the facilities.

Financial Institutions and Funds
DEG/FMO E&S masterclass, Singapore
Paterson Sustainability facilitated a two-day E&S Masterclass for representatives of around 20 Fund Managers across Asia. The format focused on sharing experiences and effective practices around E&S risk management, creating value and influencing sustainable practices of investee companies.

Financial Institutions and Funds
Sustainability reporting
We have been working with one of our PE Fund clients to develop strategies to identify and operationalise ESG value creation opportunities aligned with SDG impact. We recommended how the investment strategy may be influenced by ESG value creation, identifying opportunities for investee companies and the fund manager to measure and report impact to attract international investors.

Financial Institutions and Funds
E&S management system & training, Sri Lanka
After developing an environmental and social management system for Pan Asia Bank Corporation (PABC) in Sri Lanka, Paterson Sustainability worked with a team of local consultants to provide practical, interactive training to more than 200 bank staff to develop their capacity to implement the new procedures.

Financial Institutions and Funds
Gender lens investing position statement
Paterson Sustainability has provided expert technical support to OeEB during the preparation of their Gender Lens Investing Position Statement and Implementation Plan. We also helped with the development of a gender smart finance offering for financial institutions, as well as the integration of gender analysis into OeEB’s Environmental and Social Management System. This increases access to capital for businesses owned and led by women, promotes gender equitable workplaces, acknowledges women stakeholders and supports companies which develop products and services that directly improve the lives of women and girls.

Health and Education
Healthcare in Myanmar
A growing multispecialty hospital in Yangon was seeking financing from a European DFI and invited Paterson Sustainability to prepare the ESDD to identify the measures to meet the requirements of the IFC Performance Standards and applicable guidelines. Working closely with the prospective investor and the hospital management team, we advised on key risks, recommending a suite of actions to support improved E&S risk management, including measures to meet the life and fire safety and the medical waste management requirements. We have been monitoring the implementation of the actions since the investment was made.

Health and Education
Healthcare in Cambodia
Paterson Sustainability working with a healthcare company and its investor to develop capacity to implement the requirements identified in the ESDD. As the healthcare company expanded, we advised on appropriate measures to upgrade its E&S standards. We reviewed the life and fire safety design of new clinics, and advised on management of effluent quality and medical waste.

Manufacturing in Indonesia
We prepared an ESDD for an automotive part manufacturing company in Indonesia with two manufacturing plants. We have been advising on the improvements such as improving labour diversity, health and safety and effluent treatment provisions.

Manufacturing in Nepal
Rhododendron Biotech Pvt. Ltd manufactures haemodialysis fluid, rectified spirit and other pharmaceutical products in Nepal. We undertook a due diligence against the IFC Performance Standards and World Bank Group Environmental Health and safety Guidelines for Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Manufacturing. We have been working with Dolma Impact Fund to support the company to implement the E&S action plan and upgrade their E&S planning and performance.

Retail and Hospitality
Retail in Vietnam
We have undertaken a number of ESDDs for retail companies in Vietnam, including casual dining restaurant chains. Our E&S action plans focused on development of management systems to manage food safety, fire safety and labour and working conditions.